Winter is upon us.

Nobody seemed to have much of a summer but if you choose to be positive you may just have a hell of a winter. Where it’s bitter cold, and even where it never gets below freezing, it drops down below zero and word is it’s part of a government plot to neutralize global warming, but all it has really done is make it bitter cold after a really lame summer. But can you really believe this is a government plot. Some will. Government is good. It’s not perfect, but it is a good thing. I think it will be an OK winter.

Joel Justin

In addition to my solo career, I front the Mad Ants, a rock band I formed in the mid-1980s. We reunited about three years ago and have recorded three albums. Following the Mad Ants’ release of “International Anthem,” we recorded the tentatively titled “The Next Album,” due for release soon. We have also recorded an album of cover songs and are searching for a title. Any ideas?